Insane Footage of The Tianjin Explosion
- This is probably the closest shot of yesterday's...
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Huge Explosion in Tianjin, China
- A chemical fire erupted into a massive explosion at...
Flying Debris Nearly Kills This Shooter
- A huge rock comes flying back and almost does some...
10 Movie Laws That Are Completely Wrong
- Hollywood stretching the truth on how some things...
Insane Gas Explosion Destroys A House
- Dashcam video captures the moment a gas explosion...
Massive Explosion Lights Up The Night Sky
- It's eerie just how dark it is before, and after the...
Huge Explosion With Massive Shock-wave
- A 500 kilogram explosion creates a visible shock-wave...
Man Caught Up in Fireworks Plant Explosion
- People in Colombia run for cover as hundreds of...
Explosive Karma For ATM Thief
- His attempt causes an explosion that knocks him out of...
Homemade Potato Gun Explodes
- This guy is lucky he's walking away with any serious...
Guy's Stove Explodes In The Kitchen
- While cooking a steak the stove shorts out sends...
Guy's Stove Explodes In The Kitchen
- While cooking a steak the stove shorts out sends...
Jet Engine Erupts Into A Fireball
- The fire leaves him with some painful burns and huge...
What Happens If You Cut An Electrical Line?
- It will probably short out and explode.
NASA's "Antares" Explodes After Launch
- A first stage engine fails resulting in a massive...
Robber Saves Man From Explosion During Robbery
- A man walking by a store is pulled out of the way an...
Mount Tavurvur's Explosive Eruption
- Footage shows shockwaves blasting through the clouds...
Demolition Of Wellington Hotel Annex
- An interesting take on the usual plain ole building...
Guy Blasts A Traffic Cone Sky-High
- Nothing like father and daughter playing with...
Fireworks Gone Wrong!
- A firework explodes on the ground and causes a chain...
Off Duty Cop Saves Car Crash Victim
- Security camera's captured the heroic act on film.
Parked Car's Dashcam Captures Explosion
- The aftermath of an explosion at a gas station in...
First Person View Of I.E.D. Explosion
- US Marine helmet-cam view of IED going off beneath his...
Drag Race Car Explodes
- This funny car goes up in a huge fireball as parts fly...
AFE Tower Demolition
- Old German university twin towers being brought down.
Melon Explosion In Super Slow Motion
- If the military made melon grenades, it would probably...
Ultra Slow Motion Chemical Reactions
- Awesome explosions and reactions shott at 2000 frames...
Ultra Slow Motion Chemical Reactions
- Awesome explosions and reactions shott at 2000 frames...
Ultra Slow Motion Chemical Reactions
- Awesome explosions and reactions shott at 2000 frames...
The Rarely Seen "Transformer Borealis"
- Ice causes some issues for this transformer resulting...
Power Plant Implosion
- A Go-pro close up of a power plant demolition
Detontation Cord Christmas Tree
- An awesome explosive Christmas tree! Wait for the...
18 Thanksgiving Fail Gifs
- A PSA from eBaum's World - Turkey frying is dangerous!
A 6,666 Gram Firecracker
- That tree never had a chance, take that Greenpeace!
Tractor Engine Explosion
- A tractor's engine goes boom during a drag race.
7000 Fireworks Go Off At Once
- A computer malfunction results in the best show ever!...
Pecker Cake Prank
- Guess she didn't see that cumming...
20 Random Pics are the Opposite of Mundane
- A basic random gallery for your viewing pleasure.
Husband "Accidentally" Sets Wife On Fire
- Was this a simple absent minded moment, or is...
Milton Madison Bridge Demolition
- A huge explosion takes out part of the bridge as part...
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