
21 Photos of World Leaders From When They Were Young

We all know what most of these people look like now, but do we know what they looked like then? 

These 21 faces have dominated politics and policy on the world stage for the past century, facing the public through war, peace, disaster, and triumph. Their faces are etched into the pages of history books, but not how they're seen here. These are the faces of 21 world leaders before they were in the public eye.

In these photos, they are still hopeful, naive, and innocent. Unfortunately, few of them had the privilege of staying that way. Vladimir Putin certainly has plenty of dirt on his hands, and seeing him pictured as a 28-year-old KGB officer, it's doubtful he went very long before taking part in the organization's cutthroat tactics. The determination in his eyes is apparent, and it's not surprising he played the game perfectly and rose to the top. He doesn't seem like the "happy child" type, exemplified by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's photo. 

Here are 21 famous world leaders, and what they looked like before they became household faces. 

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