25 Video Games We Regretted Buying Almost Right Away
If you're lucky, video games will provide hours of entertainment, and you only enjoy them more over time.
Some games, though, filled us with regret IMMEDIATELY. And here are the worst offenders!
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If you're lucky, video games will provide hours of entertainment, and you only enjoy them more over time. These are not those games. These games took our money, left is disappointed, and ran for the hill.
These games filled us with regret IMMEDIATELY. And here are the worst offenders! -
Rust. It's always Rust. You should buy Rust and change your answer to Rust. Anyone wanna play Rust? -u/Nicktastic6 -
Duke Nukem Forever that's when I stopped pre-ordering games and decided to wait for reviews and gameplay-u/JuicyLizardBoy -
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 -u/BreakRulesRun -
Fast and Furious Crossroads. I would be better off in terms of graphics with a Pokémon game on my Nintendo DS-u/Yolomn001 -
Fallout 76 at launch-u/ambsdorf825 -
Anthem, I knew it would be bad, but my friends said they would play it only to do the first mission and drop the game. I still finished the main campaign but man, did it stink. -u/SquidIin -
There was a game for the PS1 called Driver. You could only progress if you passed a test in the parking garage. That was 20 years ago. I’m still in the parking garage.-u/Starman68 -
GTA Definitive Edition. I pre-ordered, played for a couple hours before they took it offline, and haven’t played it since. Waste of $60.-u/DOGA_Worldwide69 -
I regret buying Marvels Avengers. I thought It was a great game but there are so many bugs I encountered such as loss of audio, graphical glitches, makes the game not fun to play. Though I'm pretty sure it's a great game to many of you, It just did not strike me the same as many other games I have played.-u/SeekNDstr0y1 -
Fifa 15, fifa 16, fifa 17, fifa 18, fifa 19, fifa 20-u/Sillar292 -
That last Rollercoaster Tycoon game a few years ago.I wish I could make the 'what a rollercoaster' pun, but it was basically a flatride.-u/FreezeProduct -
Superman 64 -u/CoolIceCreamCone -
GTA 5 because my mom ended up destroying it after my little brother went to the stripper club in front of my grandparents. He shot a guy afterwards. (In the game)-u/Key_Swimmer282 -
We Happy FewI still don’t understand this game.-u/dirtydan92 -
Biomutant. Game looked really interesting and fun. Turns out the choices in the story are pretty much meaningless as is everything you do.-u/Kenkenken1313 -
The latest Battlefield. It is just so far from what Battlefield should be.Uninstalled it and will continue playing V and BF1.-u/SSPeteCarroll -
Overcooked My friends and I have had some genuine arguments over that game.-u/graeuk -
AC: Valhalla, not because it's a bad game though. I just tend to buy cool open-world games and then find I don't have the time to put into them to finish them and enjoy the game and I leave them with my other open-world games I will never finish due to lack of time.-u/CGNTV -
Human Fall Flat. My friend and I love playing it but the timing couldn’t have been worse. We paid full price, then a couple days later it went on sale, THEN it was announced that it would be coming to Game Pass.-u/SlyLavaburst -
It Takes Two. Can't find a partner to Play with. :(-Deleted user -
Agony. Such a boring walking simulator.-u/sleaziestsleaze -
Mario is Missing for SNES. Imagine seeing the boxart and thinking you're in for another action-packed sidescroller and instead getting a mind-numbingly boring "edutainment" game.-u/Errjm -
Minecraft... too addicting. I first downloaded it 6 days ago and think I've only slept a total of 20 hours since then.-u/mutants4nukes -
Star Citizen. Finished 2014 my a*** u/miniturtlex -
ET. The game for the Atari 2600 that was so bad they buried the unsold copies in the desert. I think it was in a bargain bin for super cheap, but I'll never get the time I spent trying to figure it out as a kid back.-u/pendragn32