37 Times Real Life Was Scarier Than the Movies
- Real life will always be scarier than the movies. Here...
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38 Ridiculously Creepy Old School Clowns
- Terrible clowns that you do not want to see before...
19 Creepy Facts That'll Give You a Fright
- Disturbing and WTF facts that you probably didn't know.
Start Spo0ktober Off Right With These Bone Chilling...
- Welcome to the spo0kiest time of the year
26 Photos of People Who Should Be Nominated for a...
- The one award you will never be able to accept...
A Totally Spooktastic Tale To Start Of Your October
- A creepy tale of one man's terrifying encounter.
35 WTF Pics That'll Make You Scratch Your Head
- I said- hey, what's going on?
10 Things You Need For A Spooky Halloween
- It's never too early to start preparing for the best...
29 Pictures of Underwater Photography
- There is something so eerie about underwater...
16 WTF Pics That Will Make You Puke in Your Mouth a...
- Here are some photos that may make you want to leave...
20 Ancient Medical Practices That'll Make You Glad To...
- I sure am glad medicine has evolved over the years!
Man Shares His Findings After Exploring Mysterious Hole
- Bless all brave explorers.
36 Strange Pics for People Who Like it Weird
- Feed yourself a well deserved dish of WTF.
25 Extremely WTF Pics From History
- From the stranger side of history.
Woman Finds Unexpected Freak of Nature
- This looks like the beginning of a horror movie.
25 WTF Images to Make You Cringe and Possibly Lose...
- Acquire nightmares with these 25 "what the fuck?" gems.
16 Vintage Photos That Are Just Plain Disturbing
- An odd collection of black and white photos that will...
23 Pics That Are As Strange As They Are Funny
- These images are way past memes.
21 Disturbing Pics and Drawings That Will Creep The...
- Pics that will come back to haunt you when the lights...
22 Bone Chilling Facts To Keep You Up At Night
- Make sure you don't read these before bed.
11 Creepy Stories Kids Have Told Their Parents
- Kids say the darnest and damn near creepiest things...
6 Sea Monsters You Should Be Glad Are Extinct
- These beasts are made of nightmares.
Enjoy a Fresh Batch of 21 Delightful Pics
- A buffet of visual delights to stimulate your senses.
13 Fun Pics to See You Through to the Other Side
- Random and chill images from around the internet.
Texts Between Two Brothers During The Parkland Shooting
- This exchange between two brothers will bring you to...
Dude Gets Busted Lying About His Fake Girlfriend Dying...
- An attention seeking douche gets called out on his...
Scammer Pretending To Be A Facebook Employee Gets...
- The scammer become the scammed and doesn't like it at...
15 of the Top Searches On Wikipedia In 2017
- A look back at what people were searching for on...
People Share Details From Their Most Disastrous Dates...
- Maybe some of these dates could of been salvaged if...
34 Pics to Make You Close Your Laptop and Walk Away
- This gallery is a whole bag of NOPE with your name on...
25 Scary Government Secrets That Have Been Declassified
- From government secrets to downright lies, some of...
Woman Responds to a Question and Shares a Truly...
- What is the creepiest thing that ever happened to you?
Police Arrest Man Posing As A Nigerian Prince
- Not the prince we expected but he is the prince we...
21 Fascinating Facts That Will Scare Away Your...
- Trick your friends with these tasty treats of wisdom.
14 Of The Creepiest Quotes From Infamous Serial Killers
- Chilling things said by some of the sickest people to...
21 New and Terrifying Ghostly Images
- The creepiest in new paranormal imagery on the web.
38 Anonymous Confessions From Police Officers That...
- Cops are people just like the rest of, so what kind of...
These Public Servants Have Outed Themselves As Nazi...
- These uniformed men publically expressed their support...
21 Times Kids Said Some Real Nightmare Fuel Sh*t
- This is what true nightmares are made of...
25 Ghost Photos That Are Downright Creepy
- What do you think? Real or fake?
eBaum's Picks