
23 Paranormal Memes to Keep Your Resident Ghosts Happy

If you want to keep your local ghosts from haunting you, better keep them entertained. Here are 24 paranormal memes to help you do that. 

If you think about it, your resident ghosts don't really want to hurt you. There are demons and vampires for that. Just like a parasite, a healthy host means a healthy ghost, and although they won't admit it, ghosts want you around so they have something to haunt. Therefore, you shouldn't be scared of some ghost sightings here or there, and it's best to try and give them what they want. When you leave, keep the TV on. Put some music on while you're tidying up. Watch a scary movie by yourself to give them some ammunition. Embrace the scare!

But the best way to make your ghosts feel entertained is by showing them these 24 paranormal memes. While ghosts might not like to be seen physically, they like to be seen emotionally as much as anybody else, and these 24 memes will hopefully give them something to relate to. So the next time you hear clanging in the pipes and see motion in the dark, pull up these ghostly memes and give those ghouls what they really want. 

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