
20 Bold Fits People Wore in Court

If you ever go to court, it’s best to wear a simple suit or dress, nothing to stir the pot. If you’re at risk of going to jail, you probably don’t want to be wearing anything that might make the room suspect you’re weird or crazy in any way. Most people take that advice, and some people aggressively ignore it.

One guy getting convicted of sex crimes recently wore a DILF shirt to court, which probably didn’t help his case. Famous people in particular tend to stray far from subtle fashion. Many female celebs knew they’d be photographed, so they showed up dressed to the nines. There’s even a few fashion mags who ranked the best fits. Phil Spector, the record producer, is the absolute king of going crazy with the outfits for legal proceedings. He was accused of murdering his girlfriend and decided to wear crazier and crazier wigs each time as a “tribute to Jimi Hendrix." Whatever that means.

The point is, invest in some nice, subtle clothes, or your next outfit might be picked out for you by a prison warden.

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