We regret to inform you of some troubling lore surrounding a 1/3rd of the folk group Peter Paul and Mary.

Some may already know but many on Twitter did not know about Peter Yarrow’s criminal conviction. This all started when @bartleby_era was in line for a restaurant when an old man asked to take pictures of her and her partner because they looked “sweet together.” She did not realize it was Peter Yarrow from Peter, Paul, and May until her waitress told her.

The tweet sparked many to talk about their encounters with Yarrow.

The creepiness is not new as Yarrow has previously been convicted of molesting a 14-year-old. In 1970, he spent 3 months of a one-year sentence in prison for the act. Yarrow is part of the few that have been pardoned by the president. In 1981, President Carter pardoned Yarrow for the assault the day before he left office.

The assault is frequently brought up whenever Yarrow is in the news supporting a cause or politician. Or whenever he gets mentioned in a viral tweet about taking photos of couples. It all suddenly feels less sweet knowing his past.