At least, according to Q the Stormm, a popular QAnon adjacent Twitter account that warned their 228k followers that “PYRAMID #1 HAS BEEN ACTIVATED” and is “MOVING.”

So, what the hell does any of that even mean?

Allow me to explain (as best I can).

It may not come as a shock that trying to figure out the exact beliefs of a group like this can be challenging. QAnon began as a simple conspiracy that a Satanic cabal composed of cannibalistic pedophiles was secretly ruling the world and determined to take down Donald Trump because he’s the only person who can take them down. But in the seven years since Q first appeared on 4chan, new factions have sprung up and there’s much less cohesion behind the movement.

In the case of Pyramid #1 being “activated,” this sets in motion the opening of “The Gateway,” which, according to, is set for 21 days from now. That may seem random, but it would fall right on November 5th, i.e., Election Day, so this once again seems to circle back to Trump and the belief that he’s the last beacon of hope against evil forces. If he doesn’t win, certain subsets of modern Q appear to be convinced the end of the world will become inevitable.

At this point, you may be asking yourself questions like, “Okay, sure but what does the pyramid #1 activation actually mean? Not in a vague sense but in a very literal sense, what was activated? Does this involve the pyramids, or is that some kind of code?”

All fair questions, and the frustrating answer to all of these seems to be… idk?

Q the Stormm keeps things very vague and mostly prefers to make bold proclamations about looming storms and the end times rather than offering any concrete details. One might argue that’s intentional so that they have plausible deniability when absolutely nothing happens. It’s a common tactic used by doomsday cults and other escatologically-focused groups that offers built-in protection against naysayers or doubters. Your prediction can’t be wrong when you never actually predicted anything.

Though it isn’t explicitly stated by Q the Stormm and others, the pyramids have long been connected as a symbol of conspiracies. The “Eye of Providence” — an eye set within a triangle that you likely recognize from the dollar bill — has been associated with the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and, of course, Qanon. It can mean different things in different contexts, but it’s usually seen as a symbol of the powerful watching and ruling over us common folk in order to ensure they remain in control.

The pyramid activation would indicate that a plan has been set in motion to keep Trump out of power in order to bring about the end of life as we know it. And the upcoming election is seemingly the last opportunity to keep that grim reality from becoming an inevitability.

Conspiracy theories like this are plenty of fun to dismissively mock until you remember that they actively ruin lives and get people hurt or killed. It also doesn’t help that in the case of Qanon, the pseudo-Christian extremist group is rooted in racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and many, many other dangerous things that objectively make the world worse.

And while these types of radicals can feel inconsequential and fringe, there’s still a sizable following of this movement. The idea that everything wrong in the world is actually part of a massive conspiracy rather than the painfully obvious reality that humans are just selfish and greedy a lot of the time remains appealing to many, which is why Qanon followers had a noticeable presence on January 6th (including the infamous Shaman).

So do you need to start planning for how to survive in the end times once they begin? No, the pyramid activation is as made up as Trump’s knowledge of the Bible. Instead, feel free to worry about the very real problems out in the world.