You never know what to expect when booking accommodation online. For example, I once booked an apartment to stay in after getting COVID while traveling, only to discover it was a concrete basement — and the windows that were visible in the photos of the place were actually just Photoshopped in. We love Airbnb, don’t we?

While that might seem bad enough, things can always get worse, as a group of Scottish lads learned on a recent trip to Germany.

Keeping with the historic tradition of things going poorly upon entering Germany, this gaggle of dudes got a rental on for a big soccer match only to discover that their home for the week was an absolute piece of shit, complete with cardboard beds and an anemic sofa.

After three hours of trying to resolve the problem with, the service booked them in another place. Great, right? Nope — it was a straight up dungeon.

“We made our way into the property and we’re greeted by more industrial equipment, exposed chemicals, exposed cables and exposed pipes and to top it all off an axe that looked like something out of a murder film. The whole place had the vibes of a human trafficking horror film,” OP writes in a follow-up post.

“After all of the above within the first 6 feet of the property we made our way through the rest of the gaff and continued to find hazard after hazard including access to a generator room. We got to the other end of the property and there was a serious smell of damp,” he added.

Oh yeah, the door didn’t lock, either. “Have fun getting robbed in your hellhole!”, probably.

Thankfully, the dudes were able to eventually find accommodation through a different service. Hopefully their new place doesn’t give off medieval torture vibes — though they should probably hang on to the axe, just to be sure.